Lazy Luddite Log


Practical Anecdote

With this entry I will focus on events older than this blog and on a close long-term friend just like in this post. I have known Avril for half my life since we both hung in the Korner scene at Monash Uni. Avril makes all sorts of conversations and events that bit more interesting and one of the things she is known for is creative and playful pranks.

Avril has sent classic novels with passages underlined in the mail from rural locales to perplexed friends. She has delivered odd-looking kitch objects to the front door steps of other friends. And the ironic thing is that over time she cultivated a culture of pranking among her friends such that she has been subjected to more practical jokes than she perpetrated.

Nobody would ever think of me as a practical joker and yet that is what I have now been once or twice. I have drawn inspiration from a common bit of Internet slang and placed tins of Spam in Avril's letterbox. I did this for a while till another friend did a copy-cat spamming of her letterbox!

I have taken advantage of the grassy public laneway behind her property to throw balls over her back fence. I started with the most common of balls such as tennis and golf balls. Then they got rarer and stranger till I was hurling bouncy ghoul eyes into her yard. What did Avril do? Her neighbours have grandkids and she assumed the balls came from them so she just threw them over her side fence. I wonder what response that got!

Moving into the present day I am proud to have minimized resource usage by initiating an online prank for Avril. I noticed that a few friends happened to have Facebook profile pictures of themselves with Avril and that got me thinking of an amusing game to play. So I asked many of her friends to change their profile pictures to ones of themselves with Avril and have this happen all on the same day.

It worked very well. There were dozens involved and lots of awesome pics. She was rather perplexed and suspected some kind of conspiracy. But apparently she needed some amusement that day and the prank did the trick. I am chuffed. I just wonder whether I now should be wary of any kind of revenge coming my way.



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